Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The View from the Top

Entering the last week on my internship here in Calgary, which has been truly amazing. I am so grateful for being given this opportunity and for meeting all these wonderful people. When I think back on how it all started with a big portion of honesty I can’t help to repeat the everlasting cliché that all things happens for a reason…

So much for philosophizing…. The biggest problem right now is to fit everything in my suitcase. Apparently the accumulated shopping has been quite optimistic.

So on Saturday I will catch my flight to Toronto to meet up with family and new friends. And while it’s true what they say, "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end", I am not sure Calgary is a finished chapter in my book.


  1. ...understandable you enjoyed it so much in Calgary: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903352704576540304137896370.html?mod=WSJEUROPE_hpp_MIDDLEFourthNews

    It's up to you to see if Toronto can stand up to its reputation ;)

  2. I am sure Toronto will be a cool city, otherwise I just have to head back to Calgary :-)
