Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Travel nerves…

I am starting to get nervous about this new adventure I am about to embark on. But at the same time I am proud of myself for taking the opportunity

If not now - then when?

I know when I see the sun settle in the Rockies that I will never regret this adventure.  Just like we watched the sunrise in the California desert.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Celebrated my 25th birthday today with my family. I am so happy to meet everyone again… Thank you so much for coming and for the lovely gifts!

Photograph: Sunset in San Francisco/ Napa Valley

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


After almost 5 years apart 2012 is the grand year for a life lasting reunion.
While I am testing my wings on another continent in some days, sooner or later we will be together.
There has never been a doubt.

Picture: Monterey, California

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Meet My New Friends...

Blackie and Brownie

I'll be back

A Flight Marathon

San Jose - Mexico City - Los Angeles - London - Copenhagen - Malmoe

I am taking the two things I consider home, my suitcase and M, and move east

Realizing, we are soon separated by both distance and time

And it feels cold

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pura Vida - Costa Rica

Sorry for rare updates – the time spent in front of a computer is minimized during holidays. We are back in the inlands in Costa Rica, near the city of Libera, after spending 5 days at the beautiful and surf friendly Playa Grande. Tomorrow we are off on a day trip to Nicaragua – It’s going to be very exciting!

See you all soon!