Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Friday

Finally had my hair properly taken care of by my very skilled old friend. I can tell you that one year of travelling leaves your hair neglected... After that I celebrated Friday by eating three (!) waffles and I even mixed some cream in my coffee for the sake of it. So now I am in a food coma when I should finally start studying (there seems to always be an excuse).  

Got this fantastic quote by an amazing female currently travelling around in Asia.
The truth is so simple.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas (Except the Photographs)

Probably the most popular destination from Calgary (and not because of the quality but because of the price) is Las Vegas. I made my way to Las Vegas, via a detour to Grand Canyon and had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas in the most sinful way. Reflecting over the days in Vegas I can come to the conclusion that I was more interested in the hot tub in our room in combination with the bath bombs from Lush than exploring the Casinos.

I applaud the American for their creativity (I mean what else can you do in the desert anyway), and I look forward to see the whole mess being powered by solar energy in the near future.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Travel Plans

1.       Canada – Road trip in the Rockies (Yes! I was not done there)
2.       Peru
3.       South Africa

1.       Barcelona

Still after my failing endeavor in Canada I am looking outside Sweden’s border. In fact, even Europe’s border. Travelling in my point of view is no longer an activity, it is a life style. Too bad it’s pretty high maintenance. And too bad that life comes with commitments, let say, like a Masters Thesis.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Calgary Airport

Last time I was here I went to Toronto, proud I had made it through one of my first professional experiences. I am not holding my head as high this time.

Special thanks to A, for driving me to the airport.
“Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends”

 See you in Europe in 24 hours

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

You Live - You Learn

One of the most fascinating experiences when travelling is the people you meet. After a tough start in Canada I am astonished by the warm-hearted people I met and that in times of crisis are there for you although they barely know you and you them. You my friends, are the memories I will bring back to Europe. You are the people that give me hope and the courage to travel again by myself some day and I hope to see you again.

It is also when you travel you might meet the worse of people. Who sees you as an opportunity to exercise their power, to humiliate and tear you apart. These people shape you – but they also never become a part of you. Because you are so much better than them.

Thank you Canada for this time.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Yesterday was all about no boundaries, to live in the present and not to worry a second about the next days or weeks, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with new friends and old friends. As a result of this new spirit there was a pre-party, an actual party and an after-party and rum, whiskey, tequila and cider. There was dancing to an Irish live band and arm wrestling with nice people from Newfoundland. There was the obligatory night snack at Mcdonalds and cheap taxi fares between clubs.

When I took the bus back “home” again 6 am this morning I felt for a second as I was 18 again. And for a slight moment I did not have more worries in the world than that my feet were hurting from my new shoes.


Of course, there is the substantial hangover to live with today. But sometime that feels damn good.

Friday, March 16, 2012


He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it
Salvador Dali

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Happens On Wall Street

Today you can find an interesting article in the New York Times written by Greg Smith – “Why I am leaving Goldman Sachs”. I am pretty sure this will be an interesting story to follow. My supervisor came and put the article on my desk. I guess my reputation succeeds me.

“Lunch meeting” today in one of the skyscrapers in downtown Calgary with a view over the Rockies. Looks like there is still tons of snow despite the past days of global warming. Potentially a one day ski trip on Saturday and I have recruited another lonely soul at the office that will join me.

Anyway, in order to remedy the stress problem daily exercise has been prescribed – today walking “home” from work - tomorrow swimming – Saturday skiing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Day - New Opportunities

Photography: San Jose, Costa Rica

Current State of Mind - Fishing For Some Compassion

Found an interesting list online regarding stress (unfortunately it’s only in Swedish) that pretty much summarizes my current state of mind (and I am sure, others):

Stress -Tydliga tecken och varningssignaler:
·         Du känner dig trött på dagen även när du har sovit länge och ostört flera nätter i rad .˅
·         Du är likgiltig och struntar i vad som händer omkring dig, eller känner dig nedstämd och orolig. ˅
·         Du reagerar på ett helt nytt sätt på vardagliga händelser.
·         Du blir lätt irriterad och otålig över småsaker. ˅
·         Du får ont i magen, spänningshuvudvärk eller hjärtklappning. ˅
·         Du har svårare att koncentrera dig och glömmer lättare bort saker.

What could have possible released this state of mind?
1.       Work
2.       New male tenant is moving in together with me in my basement (I have never met him)
3.       My university refuses to answer my emails (for two weeks) and my supervisor just abandoned me
4.       My Master Thesis

 Sorry for a depressing post, but sometimes that’s the way it is

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunshine Village

Today I had the privilege to join a few friends on a one day ski trip to Sunshine Village Ski Resort in Banff National Park. While I have been longing for the snow ever since last weekend I was a bit anxious that most of it had melted away (yesterday we had 14 degrees Celsius here in Calgary). Lucky for me the snow was still there and Mother Nature decided to fill up on the storage during the afternoon.

Sunshine Village offered great slopes but to my disappointment they were all not groomed. Probably a dream for all snowboarders (which most of the people are here) but a hell for a skier – felt like I was going off-piste several times.  I even encounter a slope with a warning sign for avalanches (that’s who ungroomed the slopes are!!!).  At one point I was sliding down the slope rather than skiing and that does not happen often (or maybe it’s a sign I need to take a ski class or not go in the dubble diamond black slopes).
Relaxing the rest of the evening with a cup of green tea and my new favorite TV show (while my other favorites are on hold) – Ringer.
Good Morning Europe!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Okay, so the self pity is over. I first tried to solve it with some shopping at H&M and the new Marni Collection but with limited success (I bought a scarf but somehow the designer thought it would be neat to cut it in two pieces, so I returned my half scarf). Not too impressed by the collection, and I am still amazed how humans can behave like animals for fashion (well, I guess it is the new religion) and buy up many pieces and sell them on the second-hand market. It’s outrageous that H&M does not impose a quantity limit on each purchase.

I realized that what I need is not psychological attention through shopping but a physical challenge so tomorrow I am heading up to the mountains with my friends – this time for skiing. The mountains are the ultimate freedom and one of the reasons why I am here in Canada. Time to utilize them a bit better.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Today I feel sorry for myself. I am already deep down in my cosy bed in my cosy pyjamas, with my Starbucks mug filled with green tea (vanilla and black currant). Maybe I will even take a taste of my Lindt Chocolate Sea Salt, which means I am most certain very sad.

Might have been that I have been listening too many times to Eva Cassidy, or because my earphones broke so I cannot listen to music anymore, or because my muscles are sour from the body pump program, or because I had to wake up 5.45 am, or maybe it is just the thing that life is so damn ironic.

Yes, that is probably it – Irony

Photograph: Playa Grande, Costa Rica

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


16 years after her death Eva Cassidy still moves me to tears

Monday, March 5, 2012

Black & White

 There is a lot going on right now… Take a deep breath and exhale.
But as they say; “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive”
Photograph: Calgary, Alberta

Sunday, March 4, 2012

To Ski Or Not To Ski


I had the opportunity to join a few newfound friends up in the mountains when they were going skiing. I heard that the snow quality has been bad this year so I was a bit reluctant to rent all the necessary gear and buy some equipment just to enjoy the snow for a day.
So I stayed in the cottage while the others were out plowing the new fallen snow powder, and I was green of envy (or maybe white?). Not even my great book (“Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts" by Lucy Dillon) and my warm chocolate could substitute the skiing experience. But with one month left of the ski season and without a car it seems a bit distant for me to go skiing… I guess I just have to avoid the mountains and pray that the new fallen snow melts fast so we can do some proper hiking instead. Meanwhile I should probably focus on other more important things.
(Judging from the pictures you notice that the weather was not that great… and yes, the ski facilities in the Rockies can get crowded too).

Photographs: Lake Louise Ski Resort


Photograph: Lake Louise Ski Resort